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Ruth Moody
August 13, 2024

Stop apologising for your children!

Verity Brown is Group Managing Director, overseeing 4 media agencies for a marketing services group.
She’s mum to two children, now 7 and 4 (we recorded this a while ago) and quickly realised that she needed to create clear boundaries whilst also bringing her children into the picture to make it work. She’s an ambitious high-flyer who approached her return to work in a strategic and intentional way, rather as she would approach a pitch to a client.

As someone who is used to juggling multiple clients and a dynamic working environment, she thought she would step easily into managing the multiple channels of work and children and found it surprisingly challenging.

Honest, funny, reflective and bright – Verity brings a refreshing openness to her reflections on being a professional working mum and on motherhood in general. She also talks wisely about the role that work plays in making her a better mother.

Frantic business vs. my children. Can they both win?

Chloë Luxton – on being the architect of balance whilst running a business and looking after children

Why you feel everybody else is coping and you're not.

Dr Nelisha Wickremasinghe - on learning to have more self-compassion and recognising that our children aren’t balls!

Is four days of maternity leave enough

Gina Mellotte is a voice-over artist who has, among her many accolades, been the voice of the BAFTAs! She is Mum to Frankie (9) and had the unusual experience of returning to work after 4 days. Gina doesn’t shy away from bringing her truth to this episode – she’s an inspiration to all women.
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