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What I offer

Whether you’re looking for return to work coaching for individuals or a group, or you want to educate the wider organisation about how to support returning mothers, I can bring my own experiences and expertise as a coach and facilitator to help you ensure that your organisation nurtures this often-untapped talent.
One to One icon

Coaching – one to one

One to one coaching ensures that women have the chance to return to work in the right headspace. Starting before returning, we can address issues such as confidence and self-belief, as well as creating a plan for the first 30 days. Regular coaching then allows the exploration of issues and challenges that may arise and can also look ahead to career plans and personal development. This type of coaching requires empathy and encouragement as well as some tough love.

Coaching – group sessions

Returning to work after a long period away can be isolating. In large organisations where a number of women may be returning to work during the same period, group coaching sessions can provide great connections, shared experiences and support. Focused on exploring the issues that women are facing and working through them together, this helps to build resilience and resourcefulness as well as reinforcing skills around influencing, assertiveness and saying no. This can also run alongside one to one coaching.

Keynote speaker

Whether you want to encourage women in your organisation to return confidently to work, or educate the naysayers, speaking about this emotive topic will raise some of the key issues in a humble, realistic and humorous way. As a business owner and mother of two small boys, the road at work and at home hasn’t always been a smooth one. I’m a confident and dynamic presenter after nearly 20 years facilitating in big corporates and can bring this topic to life.

Executive coaching

Coaching is about creating a unique personal space to explore and confront the challenges of life, leadership, personal impact and more. As an experienced executive coach, I’ve worked at the most senior levels in large organisations to support people through change, growth and challenge. 
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