Ruth Moody logo

Working mums are often a company’s best asset - focused, efficient, committed, ambitious – if they are given the support to thrive.

I’m Ruth Moody, I’m an executive coach, the MD of a people development consultancy, and Mum to two small boys. As a professional working mum, I understand the challenges and frustrations of trying to be all things to all people.
I help employers support working mothers return to work and to coach them through the often-daunting new world of work - with small children.

What people say about Ruth

Deena Gornick
Executive and Board Level Coach
“Time with Ruth will slow the world down”
Fiona Williams
HR Director - Buro Happold
“She is absolutely excellent at what she does”
Caroline Spanton
Chief Executive Officer Welsh Cycling
“She was exceptional”

What I offer

Whether you’re looking for return to work coaching for individuals or a group, or you want to educate the wider organisation about how to support returning women, I can bring my own experiences and expertise as a coach and facilitator to help you ensure that your organisation nurtures this often-untapped talent.
- one to one
One to one coaching ensures that women have the chance to return to...
One to One iconRead more
- group sessions
Returning to work after a long period away can be isolating. In large...
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- keynote speaker
Whether you want to encourage women in your organisation to return...
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- executive coach
Coaching is about creating a unique personal space to explore and confront...
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About Me

Women are never the same after they’ve had children. They’re not as committed or ambitious. They leave work early. Their edge has gone. And what’s happened to their confidence? Whether these are real attitudes in your business or concerns that your returning women carry with them, they all have an impact on how successfully women return to work.
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Speak to Ruth
Please do get in touch – it would be great to chat and hear more about your needs and how I might be able to support you.
07931 502519

Companies & people I have worked with

I have worked with a variety of organisations from international corporations to small and medium sized businesses supporting their staff through coaching and leadership development.
Danone Logo
Supporting the Exec Team of Evian and Volvic UK through team and one to one coaching, focused on exploring and understanding the dynamics of the team, agreeing leadership behaviours and working on individual priorities and challenges.
Nielsen grey logo
Nielsen colour logo
Supporting the development of future ‘big leaders’ through one to one coaching as part of a wider global development programme. The coaching focused on personal barriers to growth, perfectionism and self-compassion.
Hydrock grey logo
Hydrock colour logo
Delivering bespoke people development from graduates to directors, giving delegate the skills and self awareness needed to lead at each level in the business.
Panasonic logo in grey
Panasonic logo in black
Helping to raise the profile and confidence of women in the organisation through a ‘Women in Leadership’ programme, including group facilitated workshops and online one to one coaching.
Allianz grey logo
Allianz colour logo
Supporting top talent through a bespoke development programme incorporating group facilitated workshops, online group coaching and one to one coaching focusing on improving self-awareness, communication skills and strategic thinking.
edf energy grey logo
edf energy colour logo
Helping technical leaders to develop behavioural skills in order to speed up decision making and enhance communication skills
Bromford Grey logo
Bromford Colour logo
Supporting senior leaders to enhance leadership skills and build stronger working relationships across the group.
Buro Happold grey logo
Buro Happold Colour logo
Offering one to one coaching and support to senior women returning to work following maternity leave.
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Grey logo
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Colour logo
Supporting the Leadership Team to develop stronger working relationships and offering one to one support to individual members of the Exec.
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